Setting/Resetting AgileEMR PIN

Setting/Resetting AgileEMR PIN

A four digit numerical PIN must be created by the user in order to electronically sign documentation or enter clinical notes within AgileEMR.

Users who can set their PIN
  • Clinicians
  • Students
  • Rehab Technicians

If this is your first time logging into AgileEMR:

These steps can be followed to create your PIN

  • Log into AgileEMR
  • Enter current password you just logged in with
  • Enter new password of your choosing
  • Re-enter new password to confirm
  • Click the Save button
  • Click on the Change PIN tab on the left side

  • Enter the current AgileEMR password (the one you just created)
  • Enter a PIN 
  • Re-enter the PIN to confirm
  • Click the Save button

If this is not your first time logging into AgileEMR:

These steps can be followed to create your PIN

  • Hover over your name in the upper right corner of the blue header bar.
  • Select Change PIN from the drop-down menu

  • Enter your current Agile Password
  • Enter a PIN
  • Re-enter the PIN to confirm
  • Click the Save button

*Note: These PIN's are specific to the user and AgileEMR does not have access to set or see these. 

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