Therapist Work Queue
AgileEMR: Therapist Work Queue
Click Work Queue on the menu bar. (Remember: tasks can also be accessed by going to the specific patient's case home page and clicking the Documentation button)
- Click the options above the queue to View All Queue Items (all therapist tasks), My Assignments (the current user’s tasks), or My Cases (tasks for patients evaluated by the user.)
- A therapist can also view the work queues for Assistants or Students.
- The Therapist Work Queue includes the following tasks:
- Create Document: When an appointment is acknowledged, this task appears in the queue. Clicking it both creates and opens the document.
- Open Document: The task for any document that has not yet been signed.
- Update POC or DS: Click this task and then select whether a Progress or Discharge Note should be created.
- Click the button in the Action column to work on the task. Until the document is signed, it will remain as a task in the queue. Once the document has been signed, the task goes away, and a corresponding task is placed on the Admin Queue for further action by the FOC.
- Therapists can assign Not Assigned documents to themselves or another clinician in the Assigned to column. If the task is assigned to an assistant, it will be moved to the Assistant Queue.
- To reassign a task to a different therapist, the task must first be "unassigned". Click the dropdown arrow in the Assigned to field and select Not Assigned. The task can than be assigned to another clinician.
Note: this does not apply to the POC. A POC will always be assigned to the therapist of record.