Search Cases/Cases Tab
AgileEMR - Search Cases/Cases Tab
- To search for either active or discharged patient cases, click Cases on the Agile menu bar.
- Use the filter fields at the top of the case list to search for cases
- Start typing in any of the blank fields above a column. Agile will begin to filter as information is entered
- A couple of the filter fields have drop-down menus - select an item from the list, and Agile will filter the cases based on the category selected
- Enter data in multiple fields to narrow the search
- Click the Edit icon to the right of the case record to go to the Case Home page for that patient.
- If searching for an Active case, the quick search field in the upper left of the screen can also be used
- In the quick search field, begin typing the patient's first or last name, MRN, or case number
- When the case appears in the list below the field, click on it