Reschedule an Appointment

AgileEMR: Rescheduling an Appointment

If the new appointment time slot is visible in either the daily or weekly view of the Schedule:

  • Left-click on the appointment and keep the left mouse button depressed.
  • Drag the appointment to the new time slot.
  • Release the mouse button and click OK to the confirmation message.

If the new appointment time slot is NOT visible in the Agile schedule window

  • Click on the appointment to open it.
  • Click the Reschedule button. 

  • The appointment will now be “parked” at the bottom  of the Schedule.

  • On the Schedule, go to the date for the new appointment time in either the Daily or Weekly view..
  • Left-click on the “parked” appointment
  • Keeping the left mouse button depressed, drag the “parked” appointment to the new time slot.

Release the mouse button and click OK to the confirmation message.

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