Clone or Cancel a Clinician Schedule Block

AgileEMR: Clone or Cancel a Clinician Schedule Block

  • Open the clinician appointment block and use the Cancel or Clone buttons 

To Clone a Clinician appointment block

  • Click on the schedule block to open it.
  • Click the Clone button.
  • Enter the number of times the block will be cloned. The appointment blocks will be “parked” at the bottom left of the screen.
  • On the Schedule, go to the date for the first new block time.
  • Left-click on the first “parked” block
  • Keeping the left mouse button depressed, drag the “parked” block to the new time slot.
  • Release the mouse button.
  • Repeat for remaining cloned blocks

To Cancel a Clinician appointment block

  • Click on the schedule block to open it.
  • Click the Cancel button.
  • Click OK to the confirmation message.

Note: Show cancelled patient appointment and clinician time blocks on the schedule by clicking the Show Cancelled button on the Schedule bar. However, if the appointment was cancelled outside of the 24 hour period, then it will not be displayed when this button is selected. 

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