Print an Appointment Schedule for the Patient
AgileEMR: Print Appointment Schedule
Method 1 - Print from the Schedule
- On the Schedule, open the first appointment you would like included on the report
- Click the Schedule button in the appointment window. The pdf report that opens will include the selected appointment and any future appointments.
Method 2 - Print from the patient’s Case Home page
- In the patient’s Case Home page, click on the Appointments button in the side bar.
- This will print all current-day and future scheduled appointments.
Method 3: Printing Schedule from Appointment Tab
- Navigate to the Patient’s Case
- Click on the Appointments tab
- Click Print Schedule
- Clicking Print Schedule will open the Patient Appointments Listing report, which can be printed out.
- This shows a listing of all future and already-acknowledged appointments
- If you would like to print a schedule for only future appointments, first enter in the start and end dates, THEN hit Print:
- This will then print the schedule for only appointments that fall in between those date parameters: