Patient Case: Documentation Tab

AgileEMR: Patient Case – Documentation Tab

FEATURE PURPOSE: To allow users to be able to access past documentation for a patient and their episodes of care.

Documentation Tab Layout:

  • At the top of the page, the system will list all available documentation options:

  • The documentation options are clickable, so if you need to open a specific type of document, click on the document type at the top to open it.
  • Below this is the Case Work Queue section
    • Documents pending completion by the clinician within the “Therapist Tasks” section show here
      • If a document needs to be re-assigned, it can be done from here or from the work queue. It works the same way either way you do it - simply click on the drop-down arrow and select the User from the list. Once assigned, it should appear in that user’s work queue.
    • Below the Therapist Tasks section, there is a Section entitled “Administrative Tasks”
      • If there are any documents that are in the Admin queue pending completion by the FOC staff, they will appear here.

  • Under the Case Work Queue Tasks, there is a section called “Signed Documents
    • This is where all the completed documents are stored. Any and all documentation completed by the clinicians can be found within this tab.
    • At the top of the Signed Documents section there are searchable fields - use them to find a specific document and not have to scroll through the entire list
    • Going down the middle of this page is a column labeled “PDF
      • Clicking the PDF icon will allow you to view the specific document as a downloadable PDF.
  • In the Actions column under Signed Documents, you can:
    • Clicking the Spyglass icon will open the document so you can view it (this view is exactly as it would have been displayed for the clinician)
    • Clicking the Regeneration icon (the button with two arrows in a circle) will update documentation to reflect any changes made (if document is not regenerated, changes made to patient information will not update on the document's PDF)
      • If you change a patient’s name and want it to show up on documentation, you would want to select this option

NOTE: If you have any issues viewing any of the documentation within this tab, or completing a specific action within the Documentation page, please reach out to support and we will be happy to assist. 

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