Patient Case: Home Tab

AgileEMR –Patient Case Home Screen 

FEATURE PURPOSE: To allow users to see an overview of the patient’s account information.

The Home tab opens directly after selecting a patient’s case.

The top of the Home Screen allows the user to see the case number, what type of therapy treatment they are receiving, and first and last name of the patient.

  • The spy glass allows the user to view the patient’s case history.
  • The top of the screen will also tell the user if a case is Documentation or Non-Documentation.

Clinician and Location

The patient’s case clinician and location is located at the top right of the home screen.

  • The Case Clinician will default to whom the patient was seen for their evaluation with, as well as their location.
  • To change the Case Clinician or Location, select the pencil/box icon and choose a different one from the pop-up drop down menu.

Contact Information

This is where the user can find the patient’s current address, home and cell phone, who the guarantor is and the HIPAA Authorized contacts.

Next Appointment                

The patient’s next appointment can be viewed directly next to the Contact Information. If a patient did have a future appointment scheduled it will have the date, time, location, and therapist the appointment was scheduled for.

Place Case Hold

This allows the user to place a case on hold directly from the Home Screen.

Print Schedule

The patient’s schedule can be printed directly from the Home Screen. All future scheduled appointments will open in a new report to be printed.

Amount Due

This allows the user to view the patient and insurance balance along with the total amount due. The Deposit is the amount that the patient has paid which has not yet been applied to the account.


The Insurance area of the Welcome Screen gives the user an overview of the insurance information.

Note: By selecting the icon, the user will be able to go directly into the insurance tab to edit or modify any previously entered insurance information.


The Statements section of the Home Screen gives the user an overview of what cycle of statements are going out next, what the patient cycle is, and how many statements have already been sent out. In this section, the user can also add a note for the next statement.

Navigation Tabs

On the left side of the Home Screen, the user can access case information in detail by selecting a topic from the Navigation Tabs.


The Reports information tab is located directly below the Case Navigation Tabs. Here, the user will be able to view and print the patient’s Financial Summary and the patient’s Profile.


Under the Actions tab, the user will be able to Discharge the patient’s case.

Billable Diagnoses

Billable Diagnoses are found under the Insurance and Statements on the Home Screen. The Primary Treating Diagnosis Codes will be above the Additional Diagnoses Codes. The ICD-10 Codes and Descriptions are displayed to the left and the ICD-9 Codes are display to the right – under the Alternate column.


Appointments are located under the Billable Diagnoses. The Completed and Planned Visit count is found here, as well at the next couple scheduled appointments (if there are any).


The Referral tab gives the user an overview of the referring physician’s information. 

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