AgileEMR Login Page

AgileEMR Login Page

AgileEMR operates best on Google Chrome

New users will need to contact Agile Support at extension 5250 or 616-588-8455 to obtain login credentials.  

**NOTE: Username and Password is case sensitive. 

Forgot My Password

  • Click on the (I forgot my password) link at the bottom of the AgileEMR login page

  • Enter your username or email in the Login or Email text box

  • Click the Restore button

You'll see the message below if the email was sent successfully

You will then receive an email similar to the below image with a link to reset your password

**Note: This may go to your junk or spam folder 

  • Click on the Reset Password link within the email

  • Enter your New Password and then re-type your New Password to confirm following the password requirements below

  • Click the Save button

**Note: If you are not receiving the email with the password reset link please call AgileEMR support at extension 5250 or 616-588-8455 and we can reset your password manually.

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