Support Beacon

Support Beacon

Click the Lifesaver icon at the top right of AgileEMR to open the Support Beacon

This Support Beacon will allow users to do the following: 

  • Ask Support Questions by submitting a ticket to the AgileEMR support staff without leaving AgileEMR
  • Find Instant Answers to common questions for AgileEMR

Submitting a Support Ticket

Click the Lifesaver icon at the top right of AgileEMR to open the Support Beacon

Click Email to start a conversation

Select the Department your inquiry is for in the Question Type drop-down menu

Select the Payer Group if applicable to your question

Click the Next button

Type a Subject for your Support Ticket in the Subject text box of the Support Beacon

**Note: Please include the Company you are with and the patient's Case Number if applicable.

Type your message (requests, questions, concerns, etc.) in the How can we help? text box of the Support Beacon

To add an attachment to your message please click on the picture+ icon

Click the Send a message button to submit your support ticket to AgileEMR Support staff

**Note: You can also email requests, questions, or concerns out of your Outlook email to

Previous Conversations

Click the Lifesaver icon at the top right of AgileEMR to open the Support Beacon

Click on Previous Conversations at the bottom of the Ask section of the Support Beacon

This will bring up all previous tickets submitted and provide a status as it relates to that ticket. Below are a few examples of Status messages this feature will provide for the user. 

Received, waiting for an answer means that your ticket was received, but has yet to be responded to.

The Green Dot next to the number will indicate the the team has responded and that the message is awaiting a response from the user. 

The initials of the last user to respond to the message will show below the message to allow the user to know at a glance if they were the last user to respond. 

**Note: If you were the last user to respond no initials will show in the previous conversation section.

Click the Lifesaver icon at the top right of AgileEMR to open the Support Beacon

Click on Answers at the top of the Support Beacon

This will bring you to the Instant Answers section of the Support Beacon which allows users to search for AgileEMR tutorials housed in the Information Library. The 5 most common tutorials will populate automatically.

You can Search for AgileEMR tutorials by typing in the Search Bar at the bottom of the Instant Answers section of the Support Beacon. 

**Note: You can also view all AgileEMR tutorials in the Information Library by clicking on the (i) icon at the top right of AgileEMR

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