Patient Wait List

AgileEMR: Patient Wait List

  • Click on Schedule in the AgileEMR navigation header

  • To add a patient to the wait list, click the "+" icon to the right of the Patient Wait List icon

  • Fill in the Patient Name, Preferences, and Appointment Type. Additional Notes are optional
  • Click "Add to Wait List" once all information is entered

  • You will see a pop-up message stating "Patient Added to Wait List"
  • The Wait List count will go up by one
  • To view the wait list, click on the eye icon 

  • The wait list will pop up anchored to the bottom of the screen
  • Each patient/case on the wait list can be dragged to the schedule which will create an appointment
  • To remove a patient from the wait list, click the "x" on the far right of the patient's block on the wait list

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