Merging Patients

AgileEMR: How to Merge Patients

FEATURE PURPOSE: To allow users the ability to merge multiple patient cases under one MRN.

  • If a patient has more than one Active Case, users can merge these cases under the same MRN number.

NOTE: If you choose to merge two patient cases together, this is a permanent change. It cannot be reversed.


  • Navigate to the patient’s case
  • Click on the magnifying glass at the very top of the Patient’s Home Page next to the Patient’s Name

  • This will open the Patient Overview (locate the Merge Patients option):

  • Click “Merge Patients” – Which opens the Merge Patient Accounts window:

  • The system will automatically display options to select on the right of this window (this is based on similar names).
  • The system will also display a warning below that stating “WARNING: This action cannot be undone.”
    • DO NOT DISREGARD THIS WARNING– If you end up merging two patients by mistake there is no way for us to unmerge these accounts
  • If you notice that the patient that you would like to merge is not listed on the left-side of this screen, there is a searchable field on the right-hand side
    • You can search either by patient’s name/patient’s MRN
    • MAKE SURE that you know what the actual Patient Name is, or the Exact MRN Number of that patient, prior to hitting the Merge button
  • Finally, when you have selected the correct patient to merge select “Merge Patients”
  • Now all cases that were merged will show up under the Case History section:

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