How to Bill for Cash Pay Telehealth Visit
Billing Cash Pay Telehealth for Current “Insurance” Patient within AgileRPM
1. A therapist will fill out a daily note for the patient completing the entire SOAP Note
2. Under the charges section the therapist will “0” out or delete any CPT codes as these will not be used to charge the patient that is Cash Pay
3. Below the regular charges that would go to insurance, there is a button called “Add Self-Pay Treatment”, navigate and click on this button
4. Another charge area will display
5. Fields available you will charge in the following way:
a. Type in “THEVAL - Teleheath Evaluation” under Visit Based charges if you are performing an eval appointment for the patient
b. Type in “THTREAT - Telehealth Treatment” under Time-Based charges if you are performing an follow up treatment
Billing Cash Pay Telehealth for Cash-Pay Patient within AgileRPM
1. A therapist will fill out a daily note for the patient completing the entire SOAP Note
2. Under the charges section, enter the following:
a. Type in “THEVAL - Teleheath Evaluation” under Visit Based charges if you are performing an eval appointment for the patient
b. Type in “THTREAT - Telehealth Treatment” under Time-Based charges if you are performing an follow up treatment