Account Tab- Treatments & DME

AgileRPM – Treatments / DME

FEATURE NAME: Treatments / DME

FEATURE PURPOSE: To allow users to easily access Treatment / DME Encounters and edit details within the account tab.

I. Click on the Account Tab in a Patient’s case:

II. Action Panel from the Treatments / DME tab –

1. Patient Payment –

a. To enter a Patient Payment, select the button, enter the amount, type, effective date (can be previous encounter dates), the authorization or check number and press Save

2. Hold Statements –

a. This action allows users to Hold Statements for the entire Patient Case. To Release the Statement Hold, select Release Statements Hold.

3. Hold Claims –

a. This action allows users to hold all claims (unless already marked as “billed”) from going to the clearing house. To release claims from hold, select Release From Hold.

4. Rebill Claims –

a. To Re-Bill all Claims (bulk re-bill), select the Re-Bill Claims button. A pop-up will appear to select the Insurance to Bill and encounters to include. Once the selection has been made, select Rebill Selected Encounters.

5. Add Encounter –

a. To add an encounter, select the Add Encounter button. A pop-up will appear to allow the user to select the following:

 i. Encounter Date

 ii. Encounter Location

iii. Encounter Type

b. Based on the Encounter Type selected, the encounter will be placed under either the Treatments / DME or Medical Records / Retail Supplies tab

c. Treatments / DME tab includes the following encounter types:

a. DME

b. Evaluation

c. Treatment

d. Medical Records / Retail Supply tab includes the following encounters:

a. Medical Records Fee

b. Supply / Retail Item

e. Once the information has been entered, select Save & Add Encounter

Medical Records / Retail Supply:

1. To add a Treatment or DME encounter, select the Add Encounter button and follow the steps from 5 above.

2. Enter the appropriate charge

3. Enter the quantity

4. Select Self-pay if applicable

5. Add additional charges as necessary

6. Select Submit

7. Once charges have been submitted, user will be redirected to the encounter details screen. 

Encounter Details Overview – 

1. Patient Payment (refer to page 1)

2. Transfer Deposit – Allows users to transfer funds from deposit to procedure or procedure to deposit

1. Hold Statements – Selecting this option will hold the encounter from going on statements until released

2. Generate Invoice – Once an encounter has been created and charges entered, users may generate an invoice.

a. The addressee pulls the information from the Primary Insurance listed in the patient’s case.

b.  Pay To: pulls the address from the lockbox of the location charges are entered for.

c. Save & Print, once selected will open the invoice in another tab and allow users to print the document.

5. Hold Claim –

a. This action allows users to hold the claim (unless already marked as “billed”) from going to the clearing house. To release the claim from hold, select Release From Hold.

6. Rebill Claim –

a. To Re-Bill the claim, select the Re-Bill Claim button. A pop-up will appear to select the Insurance to Bill. Once the selection has been made, select Rebill.

7. Modify Charges – Select Modify Charges to modify the data in the encounter.

a. Diagnosis Codes –

        i. Users can add/edit the Diagnosis Codes

        ii. List the diagnosis codes in a different order by clicking on the code and dragging

        iii. Remove diagnosis codes (this will not remove the code from the case but only the specific encounter)

b. Charges –

            i. Users can edit the Unit Price

            ii. Update the Quantity

            iii. Add/Remove Modifiers

Select which diagnosis code to remove from the charge

8. View Notes – Users can view notes that have been entered from the Edit Transaction History

9. Edit Transaction History – Users can edit the Transaction History from charges that have been entered.

a.  In the Charge Details section, select the appropriate charge to edit. 

b. Add any Notes necessary (notating the reason for edits)

c. Transfer Balance (from Primary Insurance to Secondary or Patient)

d. Apply Adjustment

e. To edit the next charge, select the CPT code within the same screen

10. View Transaction History – Select the button to view the transaction history for the encounter.

Adjust Balance –

Select this option if you want to adjust the balance of an entire encounter all at once

a. Click into any Encounter within the Account Tab

b. This option allows you to adjust an encounter balance without having to click into the Edit Transaction History

c. Enter what you want the balance to be after the adjustment (i.e. If you have a $300 balance and want it to be $120, then you would enter $120 here)

d. Be sure to select the adjustment reason, this is important for reporting and tracking adjustments that are made to patient’s accounts.  

Charge History –

Select the drop down to view the Charge History. The system records any changes a user has made within the encounter. 

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