Changing Register Locations

Changing Register Locations

The Register Location is the primary location assigned to the user when the user account was created in AgileEMR based off the Personal Change Request (PCR) that was provided to Human Resources. AgileEMR can update these locations per request from the user. 

You will find your Register Location to the left of your name in the AgileEMR blue Navigation bar. 

To change this location temporarily while in AgileEMR please follow the steps below: 

  • Click on the current Register Location

  • Select the desired Register Location from the drop-down menu in the Change Register Location pop up window

  • Click Save in the Change Register Location pop up window

This will temporarily update your register location to the new location selected. 

**Note: This location will change back to the primary location assigned in the user account when logged out of AgileEMR.

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