Release Notes 4/16/2021


AgileEMR has been updated this morning with a few new improvements. Below is a list of enhancements with the most impact:


1. Facility Statistics Report- New parameter ‘Evaluation Count By’- You are now able to pull the Facility Statistics Report by Procedure Code or First Visit like the Site Profile Report. This will ensure more accurate reporting when looking for Initial Evaluation counts.

2. Case Files- Drop down menu options- You will now have the option to select CIM Authorization Form, Media Consent Form, or Online Patient Packet when uploading patient documents to Case Files. 

3. Drop-down menu added to Objective section of the Daily Note- There is now a drop-down menu to select from in the Objective section on the SOAP tab of the Daily Note. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to submit them via the Support tab located in Agile or by emailing

Thank you very much for your time.

The AgileEMR Support Team

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