Adding an Addendum to a Daily Note

Adding an Addendum to a Daily Note

When a clinician signs a Daily Note, it is locked and can no longer be changed. However, edits can be entered in an Addendum to the document. 

**Note: only the clinician who created the document can enter an addendum

**Note: only the clinician who created the document can enter an addendum

Click on the Documentation tab of the patient's case

Click the Spy Glass icon to the right of the Daily Note that needs an Addendum

Click the Go to addendums link in the Daily Note header to be brought to the New Addendum section of the Daily Note


Go to the Billing Review & Signature tab of the Daily Note

Scroll to the bottom of the Billing Review & Signature tab

Click on the New Addendum button in the Addendum section under the Signature section

Enter correction notes in the Description section of the Addendum

  •  Please try to be as specific and detailed as possible so documentation will hold up with insurance if needed. 

Enter your personal 4-digit PIN

Click the Sign and Submit button

**Note: Addendums are not editable once they have been completed. 

Addendums examples are shown below based on the version of the document you are opening. 



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