Setting/ Resetting AgileEMR Password
Resetting AgileEMR Password
You can update your password in AgileEMR by following the steps below.
Resetting your password when you're already logged into AgileEMR
Hover over your name in AgileEMR
Click on Change Password
Enter your Current AgileEMR password, the New Password, and re-type the New Password to confirm
Click the Save button
Resetting your password if you forgot your previous password
- Click on (I forgot my password) at the bottom of the AgileEMR login page
- Enter your username or email in the Login or Email text box
- Click the Restore button
You'll see the message below if the email was sent successfully
You will then receive an email similar to the below image with a link to reset your password
**Note: This may go to your junk or spam folder
- Click on the Reset Password link within the email
- Enter your New Password and then re-type your New Password to confirm following the password requirements below
- Click the Save button
**Note: If you are not receiving the email with the password reset link please call AgileEMR support at extension 5250 or 616-588-8455 and we can reset your password manually.