Clerical Work Queue

AgileEMR: Clerical Work Queue

Clerical Work Queue Overview

  • Click on Work Queue in the AgileEMR navigation header

Within the Clerical Work Queue you will be able to view the following: 

  • Admin Queue
  • Therapist Queue
  • Assistant Queue
  • Student Queue
  • Fax Tasks
  • Assigned and Unassigned Tasks

Admin Queue

The Admin Queue is divided into the 2 following sections

  • General Tasks
    • Authorization Status
      • Auth Expired
      • Auth Expiring
      • Auth Required
    • Medical Review Status
      • Medical Review Soon
    • Cases on Hold (via Home tab of the case)
    • Case Inactivity Alert

  • Fax Tasks
    • Outbound
      • Plan of Care
      • Updated Plan of Care
      • Progress Note
      • Discharge Summary
    • Inbound
      • Any inbound fax tasks from Sfax will pull into the Fax Related Tasks section of the Admin Queue with a Task type of Inbound Fax Received

Switching Queue's

**Note: This is a multiselect option so you can view one Queue's tasks at a time or multiple Queue's tasks at once. To view one Queue at a time make sure only one Queue's check box is checked at a time.

  • Click the check box next to the Work Queue you would like to view

Hiding Fax Tasks

  • Click the Hide Fax check box to hide the fax task section of the work queue

Assigned & Unassigned Filters

Click one of the following radio buttons to view assigned and unassigned tasks within the specified Work Queue

  • All - View all tasks, Assigned and Unassigned
  • Unassigned - View only Unassigned tasks
  • Mine - View only tasks assigned to yourself

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