Editing Clinician Schedule Hours

AgileEMR: Editing Clinician Schedule Hours

  • Click on Admin in the AgileEMR navigation header

  • Click on the Clinicians & Technicians tab

  • Search for the clinician
  • Click the Paper and Pencil icon to edit the clinician

  • Click on the Schedule tab if AgileEMR doesn't default to that tab

  • Click on the Schedule you need to edit

Extending a Clinician Schedule Hours

  • Click on the schedule block you need to edit

  • Update the LocationStart, and End time as needed in the Edit Clinician Time Block pop-up window

  • Click the Save button in the Edit Clinician Time Block pop-up window to save any changes
  • Click the Update Clinician Schedule button to finalize changes 

**Note: No changes will be saved if the Update Clinician Schedule button isn't clicked so changes are finalized


Click and drag the bottom of the schedule block to extend the hours

**Note: At the top of the schedule block you will see the end time change as you drag

  • Click the Update Clinician Schedule button to finalize the changes made to the schedule block

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