Pulling Citizens Bank Statements

AgileRPM - Pulling Citizens Bank Statements

FEATURE PURPOSE: To pull and download bank statements from Citizens Bank website for posting purposes.

  • To go the Citizens Bank website: https://client.citizensbank.com/s/
  • Scroll down to Commercial Services and find accessOPTIMA - click "Log in"
    • Company ID: pagilhth
    • User ID: unique to each individual

  • Click Next and enter your password
  • Click Log in
  • Navigate to the Custom Reporting tab

  • Under "Select Accounts By", leave "Accounts" in the dropdown menu. 
  • Click the "x" to remove All Accounts from the selection box, and click in the box to pull up all options. Select the company you would like to pull bank statements for.
  • Click in the "Date" box, selecting "Prior Day" (or custom range if trying to pull a different date)
    • After this step, you have the option to save this set of report criteria so you don't have to manually select them every time. Go back up to "Saved Report Criteria" at the top of the page
    • Click the "+ Save View" button and enter a name for your report (something like "Advent Previous Day" works well, using whichever company you are pulling instead of Advent)
      • The first time you save a set of report criteria, it pulls the report for you automatically.
      • Every time after that first time, you will need to select the Saved Report Criteria from that dropdown and then it will load the report.

  • Scroll down and click on the print icon:

  • Download the document from the pop-up window, clicking either the "download" or "print" options
  • Open your File Explorer and navigate to the "Lockboxes - EFT's - Deposits" folder

  • Click into the correct Company, and find the current year's "EFTS" folder
    • Save the bank statement in this folder with a name format of:
      • CompanyMMDDYY (company and month, date, and year - for example, Advent102822)
  • Repeat this process for all companies you would like to pull Citizens bank statements for

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