Pulling Citizens Bank Lockbox Files

AgileRPM - Pulling Citizens Bank Lockbox Files

FEATURE PURPOSE: To pull and download lockbox files from Citizens Bank's website for posting purposes.

  • Enter your credentials and the verification code, and then answer your security question
  • Once logged in, navigate to the "Data and Images" tab on the left side of the screen, then click "Request for Download" at the top

  • The order of the following steps is important!!!
    • Select Download Type to be PDF
    • Click into the box labeled Work Source to select the company you are pulling for
    • THEN select the Process Date (typically previous day)
      • If you select the Date before the Work Source, it will not save and you will need to re-select the Date
  • Click the dark blue "Download" button
    • A pop-up will appear asking "Are you sure you want to download all the batches? 
      • Click Ok
    • If there is no lockbox file, another pop-up will appear stating "No batches found." Click Ok
    • If there is a lockbox file, it will take you to the Download Requests tab
  • Click the "Refresh" button until the Status of your file says "Download"
    • Click the Download hyperlink
    • This saves a zipped folder to your PC. Open up the zipped folder to find the lockbox file
  • Open your File Explorer and navigate to the "Lockboxes - EFT's - Deposits" folder
    • Click into the correct Company, and find the current year's "LOCKBOXES" folder
    • Cut and paste the lockbox file into the folder with a name format of:
      • CompanyLBMMDDYY (company, LB for lockbox, and month, date, and year - for example, AdventLB102822)
  • Repeat this process for all companies you would like to pull Citizens lockbox files for

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