Posting Allied Collections Payments
AgileRPM - Posting Allied Collections Payments
FEATURE PURPOSE: To post manual payment batches for Allied collections payments in Agile
- Finance will send Allied payments each month via email
- Maggie typically scans the checks into the bank so all we need to do is post the money into Agile
- Open the file from Finance and save it to the current year "REMITS" folder for the company you're posting to. File name example:
- "Advent102622 Allied $1000.00" (the date should be the date the money hit the bank which should be in the email from finance)
- Highlight the positive numbers without a "-" sign in the "Due You" column (far right) and all of the case numbers on the left side of the document:
- I make a bracket on the left between cases if there are multiple payments on the same case
- These amounts can be combined when posting since they are for the same case
- Numbers with a "-" sign are collections fees - Finance will need to do an entry for the total combined amount
- I make a bracket on the left between cases if there are multiple payments on the same case
- Open the Financial tab in Agile, and click on "Payments" to access the manual payment batch area
- Select "Create a New Batch"
- Name the batch in this format: "Allied September 2022 $390.21" (use the company, month, year, and amount that pertains to your statement)
- Bank Deposit Date should be the date Finance deposited this money
- Click "Add a Voucher"
- Voucher Type: Patient Voucher
- Check/EFT Number: "Allied" and the Allied check number
- Voucher Amount: the Allied check amount
- Navigate into the first case number on the Allied statement
- Go to the "Account" tab
- Figure out which encounter the collections payment goes to
- Open the patient's Financial Summary in a new tab
- Push "CTRL+F" to search the phrase "patient adjustment: c"
- This will highlight any collections adjustments made on this case
- Look for the first encounter that has either part or no amount of the collections adjustments reversed and paid by the patient - this will be the first encounter you will post money to
- Go back to the Account screen and copy the encounter number
- Enter the total paid amount for this case (the amount on the left of the statement that you highlighted) into a calculator
- This will be $12.50 in our example above
- Open the Financial tab in a new browser tab and click on "Corrections & Refunds" on the left side menu
- Copy the encounter number in the "Find Encounter:" box and select the encounter that pops up
- Look at the "Financial Overview" Box and find the line that has a Patient Adjustment
- Scroll down to the Transaction History, and reverse the adjustment amount based off of the number in your calculator:
- If the calculator amount is greater than or equal to the amount of the collections adjustment on that line, reverse the full amount of the adjustment and subtract the amount from the number in your calculator
- You can do this by hovering over the adjustment row and click "Reverse" on the right, and click "Yes" in the pop-up warning
- Repeat this step for each line, and continue to the next encounter until the calculator amount is lower than the amount of the current line's collections adjustment
- If the calculator amount is lower than the amount of the collections adjustment on that line, post a negative adjustment for the amount that you see on the calculator (if you see 12.50 on your calculator, post a -12.50 adjustment)
- Make sure the "Payer" selected is Patient, not one of the insurances on the case
- Use the "Collections Agency - Allied Collections" Adjustment Reason
- You have reversed all that you need to for this case
- If the calculator amount is greater than or equal to the amount of the collections adjustment on that line, reverse the full amount of the adjustment and subtract the amount from the number in your calculator
- Once you have a zero on your calculator, click the "Review My Corrections" button in the upper right corner of the screen, and then click "Apply Now", and "Apply" in the pop-up
- Go to the case's home page, and make sure that the amount in the "Patient Due" box matches what is on the statement
Navigate to the Payment Batch you created
- Enter the Case ID and Paid Amount from the Allied statement
- If the balance remaining on the Allied statement says 0.00, please put the following note in the case's Account Notes AND Patient Notes (click the spyglass next to the patient's name at the top of the Case Home page
- "Patient paid collections balance in full."
- Bal: 0.00 means the patient has no remaining balance with collections; they have paid off their account in full.
- Prin: 25.00 means that $25.00 of their payment was applied to the principal balance on their account. We don't need to look at this number.
- Navigate into the next case number on the Allied statement and follow these instructions again
- Skip any collections fees (payments that have a negative "-" next to them)
- The patient paid us directly for these balances so we owe this portion to the collections agency
- When the batch is complete, if there were no collections fees, the batch should zero out
- If there were collections fees, the batch should be off by the combined total amount of collections fees
- Put a note on the bottom of the pdf stating the amount posted (will be higher than the check amount if there were collections fees), the date posted, and the amount of collections fees if there were any
- "Posted $619.42 on 11.09.22 - collections fees $229.21"
- Look up the case number of each account with collections fees and type the clinic location for that case somewhere near the case number on the statement for Finance
- Save the statement pdf and send to Michelle Sauve in Finance