Applying Patient Deposit to an Encounter with a Balance

  • Go to the patient Account tab within the patient case

  • Click the Spyglass icon next to the encounter that the patient deposit needs to be applied to

  • This will open the encounter for editing
  • Review the Charges Summary table on the account tab for the CPT Code with a balance remaining
  • Take note of the amount due for each CPT Code

  • Click on the Transfer Deposit button

  • Double check that the 'From Deposit to Procedure' radio button is selected in the Transfer Funds pop-up window
  • Select the CPT Code to which you would like to apply money from the Patient Deposit

  • In the Amount field, list the dollar amount to apply to that CPT Code, then click Save

  • This will move the dollar amount listed in the Amount field of the Transfer Funds pop-up window to that CPT Code from the Patient Deposit
  • Continue this for each line that has a patient balance


The patient deposit funds are applied automatically if there is a patient balance on the encounter in the nightly processor.

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